You're Late!
photographer Tatiana Mason
stylist Kamryn Poindexter
journalist Jaden Merimee
director Hridaya Mehda
graphic designer Kylie Scott
graphic designer Alara Kaptan
models Ryleigh Causey, Nick Clements, Byron Hillson and
Hridaya Mehda
photographer assist Riley Fernandes
Dressed up in a rush Running late? Was too much time spent on finishing touches and now you’re running out the door? While you may be in style, you have places to be. You have an event, a wedding, a funeral, a date or a Verge meeting to get to. Did you run out of gas? Do you have to take the bus, a scooter or a skateboard? Time is of the essence. The split decision making of how you’re going to get to your destination is crucial. After all, you are in a rush. If the time was spent happy, shouldn’t we all continue rushing to the next place? The thrill is a high. While the arrival may be late, at least it’s fashionably late.
Three-piece suit, button down and tie provided by Black-Tie Tuxedo Shop in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.